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Wither's legacy

Open the pod bay doors, Hnau!

Wither's legacy

Postby Stanley Anderson » November 19th, 2004, 6:48 pm

The subject line above was the title of an email I got from Monica that resulted in an exchange that would fit well on this forum since it is pretty barren these days in comparison to the number of posts other forums around here get. So, with her permission, I'm copying and pasting the relevant parts of the exchange here:

[from Monica]:
A new book just came into the library called “Wither’s Legacy.” I was thinking that Wither probably didn’t leave much of a legacy (hard to say).

This new book is a horror fiction, the main character, Wither, being a nasty witch. Funny how the name Wither just isn’t applied to pleasant, well-adjusted, normal members of society. :-)

[reply from Stanley]:
Subject: The Saracen, the Fairy, and the Objectivity Room

Now you’ve got me wondering about something like this:

Miss Hardcastle comes back from a trip to Edgestow and tells her friends at Belbury, “I’m back! I’m back. Oh I was gone for hours and hours and I had this wonderful little tea with a sweet woman named Jane and everything all around was white because there was heavy fog and it’s always foggy and never Halloween, but they say Alcasan is on the move...”

Frost: You’ll have to hide longer than that, Fairy, if you want to fool us

Wither: It’s all in Nietzsche! What DO they teach them in the Objectivity Rooms these days!

Interesting possibilities, eh?:-)

Subject: The Last Scrabble

And the only laugh I’ve had at work today. :-) Interesting indeed, although a little retch-producing imagining Lucy as Miss Hardcastle. I don’t think even you (with your Susan-as-Jane ideas) would suggest Miss Hardcastle would be what Lucy would have become if she’d given in to her vanity back on an island in VDT.

But there’s something about using those nasty THS NAMES and their associations that is so shuddering when translated to Narnia:

Imagine the not-so-humorous scenario:

And when Fairy and Wither looked at Alcasan, he no longer appeared to them as a drooling, disembodied head. He appeared as something far more terrible, and he told them things that I cannot write here. And it was not the end of the book, but the first chapter of a story that goes on and on and in which every chapter is more hideous and frightening than the one before.



Well, that last bit was not to be surpassed -- all I could do was lol!

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Stanley Anderson
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Re: Wither's legacy

Postby a_hnau » November 19th, 2004, 9:12 pm

Oo, thanks Stanley and Monica, that was interesting.
Urendi Maleldil
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Re: Wither's legacy

Postby Stanley Anderson » November 19th, 2004, 10:42 pm

Isn't it interesting how similar in letters the names "Aslan" and "Alcasan" are. In fact, "Aslan" is contained in the letters of "Alcasan" -- with a "ca" left over. Since "CA" is the abbreviation of "California", could that mean that Alcasan is a sort of corrupted version of Aslan, California-style?:-)

--Stanley Anderson (hmmm...rearrange the letters there and you get "Aslan sent yonder". What can that mean? Nothing bad, I hope. I don't like to think it has something in connection with Susan's fate at the end of The Last Battle!:-)
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Re: Wither's legacy

Postby a_hnau » November 20th, 2004, 8:43 am

I love the whole anagram thing, provided it's firmly tongue in cheek. I bet you could do something with "The Chronicles of Narnia" - do you use a computer program/Website, or do you sit chewing a stub of pencil till it comes to you?
Urendi Maleldil
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Anagram, "The Chronicles of Narnia"

Postby a_hnau » November 20th, 2004, 9:39 am

Best so far (thinking of the upcoming films);

"If Aslan-centric, honor, eh?"

I'll keep trying (this was a computer effort!)
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